Gather with the world's placemaking leaders in Toronto from June 8-11th, 2025.

The Global Placemaking Summit in Toronto is a unique opportunity to learn from, support, and shape the global placemaking movement. The Summit will be hosted by leaders and an amazing local team of Toronto Placemaking leaders and organizations working in collaboration with Placemaking Canada and PlacemakingX.

This event will celebrate, support, and shape the evolution of placemaking learning, leadership, advocacy and action. We will work to support and connect the 30+ national and regional placemaking networks and build on the placemaking agenda development from the first Placemaking Summit that occurred in Mexico City in November 2023, thanks to Fundación Placemaking México.

Summit Goals:

  • Convene the leaders of the global placemaking movement, including strong representation from most of our 30+ PlacemakingX national and regional networks.
  • Set the course for the next 5 years of the global placemaking movement.
  • Develop the key placemaking agendas and programs to advance the movement toward broader impact and deeper systemic change.
  • Support Placemaking Canada to grow its community, capacity and impact.
  • Highlight, connect, learn from, and grow Toronto’s public space leadership. Build broader collaboration, conviviality and leadership for placemaking in Toronto.

The 2nd Global Placemaking Summit will be building from and celebrating:

Summit Program

The four day participatory event will take place in venues across the city with local partners, and feature an array of activities, including:

  • Breakout sessions with agenda leaders
  • Placemaking knowledge exchange
  • Inspiring talks
  • Local tours
  • And much more

After opening the Summit on June 8th, the co-creative portion of the program will include participatory round tables shaping global placemaking agendas on Monday the 9th. Reporting and high-level panels will be live streamed, and recorded, at the World Urban Pavilion on Tuesday the 10th. The final day of Summit, June 11th, will focus on learning from and supporting Canadian Placemaking initiatives.

The dynamic program and exciting venues will be unveiled over the coming weeks, offering transformative sessions, insightful discussions, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

MONday, OCT 30

Sold separately by Fundación Placemaking México

Capacity Building for Placemaking Programs in English

Fundamentos de Placemaking en Español

Main activities

Wednesday, Nov 1
— Saturday, Nov 4

placemakingX Talks: Open to General Public
Estación Atm
Dr Lavista 192, Doctores

PlacemakingX Leaders party
by Placemaking Mexico

- A Hub for Leaders Networking
(covering Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australasia, Asia, Latin America, and North America)

- Regional Network Presentations

- 40 Agenda Development sessions
Main activities

Thursday, nov 2
— sunday, nov 5

Placemaking Day - Open to general Public


day of the dead Parade Mexico City
Reforma Avenue

Closing Party
The Place Man (2023)


Toronto Placemaking Leadership

Arguably the world's most pluralistic city, Toronto has long produced and supported the world's top leaders and conversations on cities and urbanism. The Placemaking movement has built from and been challenged and evolved thanks to many Toronto public space thought leaders: from Jane Jacobs, to contemporary friends, luminaires and collaborators like Gil Penalosa, Mary Rowe, Jennifer Keesmaat, Ken Greenberg, Jason Thorne, Jay Pitter, Uta Mason, Jen Angel, Margaret Zeidler and many more.

Come to Toronto to learn from, and support, one of the world's most sophisticated urbanist conversations and communities, hosted in iconic venues around the city.

We wish to acknowledge the land on which Toronto operates has been the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. Today, this traditional meeting place is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to gather on this land.

Canadian public spaces are extremely important as they bring together 450 ethnic and cultural origins, 200 places of birth, 100 religions and 450 languages (Statistics Canada).

Placemaking X Agendas

X People

Placemaking for Children

Placemaking for Women

Placemaking for the Elderly

Placemaking for Youth

Indigenous Placemaking

Placemaking with Nature and Pets

Refugee Placemaking and Peacemaking

Black Placemaking

Latino Placemaking

LGBTQ+ Placemaking

X public spaces

Public Markets


Streets as Places

Mobility Stops and Stations

Urban Parks as Community Places

Public Buildings as Public Spaces

Architecture of Place

Placemaking for Sports Facilities

Rural Placemaking and Main Streets

Winter Places

X strategies

Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper

Place Governance

Place-led Development

Digital Placemaking

Creative Placemaking

Placemaking Tools and Processes

Financing Placemaking

Placemaking in Academia and Research

Philanthropy for Placemaking

Amenities, Music, Art

X outcomes

Safety and Security

Equity and Inclusion

Public Health

Climate Resilience and Sustainability

Democracy and Participation

Economic Development and Innovation

Place Attachment and Lovability

Local Food Economies

Regenerative Tourism/Place Tourism

Play, Joy, and Happiness

Placemaking X Networks and Leaders

Regional Networks & Network Leaders

Agendas are emerging from our regional networks, with network leaders forming and implementing Placemaking Agendas. We have helped form and support 20+ regional and national networks, with another 20+ in various stages of formation (listed below). The Summit will highlight these network leaders, hear their challenges and ideas, and support them through the development of crosscutting agendas to initiate local programs. Some of regional networks with incomplete lists of the leaders supporting them:

Agendas and Agenda Network Leaders

With established regional networks increasingly supporting the movement's learning, advocacy and action, the next goal is to support these networks with crosscutting agendas. 40 key agendas that have emerged from within the regional networks, with leaders in different parts of the planet advancing different dimensions of each topic.

The agendas are grouped by people, spaces, strategies, and outcomes. Agenda leaders will be gathered virtually before the summit to start to frame their topics, and then work during the summit to finalize and present on their collective goals and potential impact programs.

Explore the agendas with the lists of some of the PlacemakingX leaders we are asking to help shape these. Let us know if are interested in joining any of these groups when you register.

Summit Partners

Supporting PlacemakingX and Placemaking Canada is a growing list of partners including: World Urban Pavilion, Urban Economy Forum, UN Habitat, Canadian Urban Institute, STEPS Public Art, Evergreen,  8 80 Cities, Spacing, Jane’s Walk, STACKT Market, and more soon to be announced.

The Global Placemaking Summit is actively looking for partners and sponsors to help host and organize events during the Summit. Take a look at our partnership package! Do you have another way to support the event? We want to hear from you! Email us for more information or to set up a meeting at