We at PlacemakingX hold ourselves to high standards of privacy for our contacts and website users. This Privacy Policy outlines our approach and what this means for you, a user of our website. PlacemakingX knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate you trusting that we will do so carefully and sensibly. This Privacy Policy explains our practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used by PlacemakingX. It applies to contact information that we collect both online and offline. PlacemakingX is a program of The Placemaking Fund. The Placemaking Fund is a Non Profit and awaiting official 501(c)3 status.
PlacemakingX only gathers data about its users when it is voluntarily given through forms and submissions. In our web analytics practices, we also collect information about our website, social media, and newsletter users/subscribers, including IP address, pages visited, time of visits, and other relevant measures. This is used in order for us to make strategic communications decisions in providing valuable content to our audience.
PlacemakingX is based in New York City, in the United States, which means that all data collected by PlacemakingX is subject to the laws and regulations of the United States. Residents of some other countries, including residents of the European Union, should be aware that the laws of the United States do not offer the same protections as the laws of your home country.
User information is primarily used for communications purposes (including newsletters and email updates), and to accept donations. We also use information for internal purposes (to better understand our network) and for analytical purposes (to respond to requests for information and to improve our website, network, and outreach). We may inform you of other purposes at the time that we collect some forms of information. For example, if you apply for a job we may collect information in order to process your job application.
We do not trade, share, or sell information that you provide to us with other organizations who intend to use it only to market their products or services to you. There may be instances in which we share your information with others. We may share your information, for example, with regional networks in the placemaking movement, as required by law, with law enforcement, to comply with legal process, to protect our legal rights, to protect the safety or security of a person, or to protect against fraud, criminal acts, or misconduct. We may also share your information with companies that provide us with services, or with a successor legal entity.
To help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. For example, we secure our machines with mandated encryption protocols to secure our user/company data. We also use industry accepted tools and techniques such as SSL and two-factor authentication to protect against unauthorized access to our systems. Additionally, all sensitive information is stored in secure repositories both in-house as well as secure cloud-based, AES encrypted web at PlacemakingX.
If you no longer wish to receive content from PlacemakingX, you may, at any time, request that your name and contact information be omitted from our lists by submitting this information to the email address at the end of this document.
Our sites frequently link to partner links and other web addresses. When you click on one of these links, you are leaving PlacemakingX web properties and entering another site governed by the privacy policies of another organization, company, or institution.In the future, we may modify this policy to reflect changing data privacy measures and regulations. We will be sure to share any changes here and through appropriate channels (i.e. newsletters), at the time they are made.
If we need, or are required to, contact you about the privacy or security of your information we may do so by telephone or email. If you have any questions, concerns, requests, or comments about privacy, you can contact us by email or mail at: hello@placemakingx.org
177 Baltic St
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Effective: April 27, 2019